The Grand Imre Makovecz Exhibition titled “Connecting sky and Earth” been held between March and September of 2014 in Budapest.
We had five tight month to create 64 tableau, showcased in wooden frames in two sizes, a 210 pages catalogue in three languages and the exhibition rooms wall decoration.
The catalogue
The catalogue have been created in parallel with the tableaux in Hungarian, the two extra language (English and German) have been added in the last days.
Digital retouch
We needed to use old photographs for the tableaux, some of them in a size smaller than a postcard and in a poor condition. With the help of ‘Emlékmentők‘ all of these photographs has been scanned in very high resolution. After that every image needed to be retouched with an average 8 hours of work. The biggest challenge was to digitally recreate some of the damaged parts of the Universal Exposition of Seville (Expo ’92) pavilion’s photos, as this was a very popular building and has a special importance in Hungary.
As the deadline was very short we had to do everything perfect for the first try, we had no time for second chances. As this was the opening exhibition of the newly renovated Vigadó building, our work being born together with the building and has a special significance.
We occupied three rooms of the building, all together approximately 250 square meters being used. We had wall decorations also I three languages, having the Makovecz tree as a main element. At this wall interviews and animations being played on a flat screen TV.
After September of 2014 the exhibition also been held in Debrecen; Timisoara, Romania; and Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Finalized tableau frame based on the design of György Mezei

Tableau frame vizualization

Retouching and recreating old, damaged images

Recreating the original environment and clear away cables

redesigned tableau

Main room layout

Main wall layout design

Main wall layout design

Main wall visualization

Catalogue cover design


